Your market value report in 4 steps
Anfrage (Kontaktformular / Anruf)
Contact us via our contact form, Chat, or WhatsApp and we get back to you within 48 hours.
Alternatively, just call us via +49 176 55 66 23 43.
Beratung & Festpreisangebot
On the phone we can discuss your situation and answer your questions.
We are happy to advise you on the right format depending on your needs.
Subsequently, you will receive a fixed price offer for the valuation of your property.
Once you decide to hire us, we will arange a date for a site visit of your property.
The reference day in the report will usually (but not necessarily) be the date of the site visit.
Überreichung des Gutachtens
Hereafter, we will write the report for you. Please note that we require several documents that give us detailled information about your property. If you don´t possess them, we are happy to assist you to get them.

Johannes-Hesse-Straße 44, 40597 Düsseldorf-Benrath
Email: info@wertgutachter-duesseldorf.de
Tel.: +49 (0) 176 55 66 2343
FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions
Which documents are required?
The following documents are required for a market value appraisal:
current extract from the land register
Land or cadastral map
Construction load information
Plans / construction drawings
Development contribution certificate
For apartments: declaration of division
Additional optional documents: energy certificate, proof of modernization, calculation of living space, rental agreements, etc.